First Teaching


It was my first time for me to teach. Actually, I was so nervous because I did not master the topic much. It was about "The Nahoon". A literature topic. I did not study about literature skill. In addition it was an African literature. When I entered to the class, Mam Wang already asked me "Are you ready?" , I just answered 'Yes' then began..... Finally, I could managed the time well. I explained all things inside my power point presentation. I did deliver the quiz also. Mam Wang told me that she would like to give the feed back at 4.15 p.m. So, I just back to the hotel, and had a relax. Because, I couldn't sleep well at night, it just because of thinking of teaching for the 1st time in front of Philippines students. That the students are different from Indonesian, but so far, they are easy to be arranged. I went back to the school with Irma and Sukis at 2.30 p.m. Because they would have their class at 3 p.m. So, I just waited for the time in the library, while I publishing my diary blog. The bell was rang. And I still waited in the library until 4.10 p. m. I walked to the teacher office and waited there. Mam Wang is a professional teacher. Although, outside the class, she always reminds the students who were absent and not understand about the lesson, she gives the chance for them at the end of the school times. I waited until the students were finished having business with her, then time for me for reviewing. Really, I was very nervous when I should talking with her, she told me that it was my good starting. I could manage the time well, I had my enthusiastic. Otherwise, I less in giving the students worksheet/individual assessment written. In order, I had their scores. Not only about my performance, but also about my lesson plan, I had to revise it again in the next teaching practice. Really, I was so happy, because she gave me much critic and suggestions. I could catch all for improving my next teaching. I had a relax then....


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