My 1st Weekend in Baguio-Philippines
My free time. I decided to go to SM for buying some clothes, shoes, and bag for me and my small families in the home. I went there at 11 a.m with my friends. Eventually, I bought shoes, sweater, and jacket. Not only that, but also I bought shirt for my lil brother. Actually, I also would buy bag for my beloved mom, so i just planned to buy it in another occasion. After spending the times in SM, my friends and I had a lunch in Inihaws again. Because, it was one of the halal foods we knew, we could eat rice as much as we wanted and it was also accessable to SM and our campus hotel. After that we went to campus hotel. As usual our skirt was wet as yesterday. In the evening at 5 p.m laudry's staff text me and I picked the clothes up. Then, I brought my laundry and my friends' to the hotel. Because our laundry had not iron yet. I decided to ironed it directly. After that, I had a rest till the night because tomorrow I will start to go to school again. Good night everyone.

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