
Back to Manila

This time is my time to went back to Indonesia. I went to Manila at 1 a.m in the morning. We did our short evaluation in the car. Why we had to went to Manila in the eraly morning? Because Baguio is far from the airport. It took for about 5 or 6 hours. Because my flight is on the 28th of September, so I had to come directly to the airport, but the rest is on 29th of September, so they will stay in Manila for a night in the staff hotel. I arrived at the aitport at 6 a.m, I and Sukis directly entered to the airport. We said good bye to mr ramir, mr arman and our beloved friends. I flight at 9.25, arrived at Jakarta at 12 p.m. And we had to wait for the dosmetic flight at 5 p.m. It was very satisfying trip. Because I learned a lot in the UC.

Cultural Night

This is a cultural night event. I do love this event, because here we could exchange the culture between Indonesia and Philippine each other. The students of Uc especially in education field they did dancing, various Philippines dances. And we also did dance there. There was also watching videos about how beautiful Indonesia and how beautiful Philippine. Then we gave our marchindise to Mr Ramir as our clossing ceremonial and thanks. After that, we did our farewell party with our beloved buddies. I do love my buddy, she was very kind there. 

Weekend with Dean Part 2

Again we had a weekend with the dean. Our weekend accompanied by the young lecturers of UC. We visitied PMA (Philippine Military Academy), we watched the performance of them. They shown us their abilities in having gun, and others. After that, we walked around the campus, their boarding living, and many others inside the campus. After that, we went to strawberry garden. We bought strawberry ice cream. After that we had a dinner in one of fomous restaurant in the Philippine, it has 6 floors. 

Weekend with Dean

Yeeaaay.. we had a vacation with the dean ; Mr Ramir. We visited Botanical garden, wright park, minest view, camp john, and the minson. At first actually we would like to go to the botanical garden first, because there was no parking area. So, we decided to go to the wright park first, I saw a horse ride there, then there was a traditional costume of Baguio, so me and my friends decided to rent it and wore it for our documentation. It was only 20 Peso. In that park, there was Minson place, it is a place that usually used by the president of Philippine when he came to the Baguio. Or in Indonesia we called it "Istana Negara". A very wonderful place, after that we visited the minest park, the dean said he never come there since 5 years ago. We could see Baguio from that place, it was very beautiful place we visited in Baguio.Before going to the next destination, we drink a Tahoo the taste is strawberry. Next visitation is camp john, that place is for doing sport, like go

Having Dinner with Principal

As usual today, I did my observation in the class. I wil be teaching again in next week. Yesterday, Mam Gladys as the principal of UC Lab, said to me and my friends that we will have a dinner today. She told us the restaurant, it was a Philippines restaurant, and we are instructed to eat daily foods that always be cooked by the mother in their own home. "You know what ?" It looked like Tumpeng , Indonesian traditional food. So, the menu of our dinner is rice, vegetables, eggplants, Okra, chicken, fish, traditional chili from Philippine, bananas, and squids. It was tasted good. We enjoyed the dinner, not only with the principal, but also with the son and her husband. We enjoyed the dinner, then before going home the principal gave us gift which was very memorable for us, a small hand back which there is the writing Jeepney, Pinoy. We were surprised because she was very kind with us. In the middle of her busy activities, she still had a time for dinner. At the last,

First Teaching

  It was my first time for me to teach. Actually, I was so nervous because I did not master the topic much. It was about "The Nahoon". A literature topic. I did not study about literature skill. In addition it was an African literature. When I entered to the class, Mam Wang already asked me "Are you ready?" , I just answered 'Yes' then began..... Finally, I could managed the time well. I explained all things inside my power point presentation. I did deliver the quiz also. Mam Wang told me that she would like to give the feed back at 4.15 p.m. So, I just back to the hotel, and had a relax. Because, I couldn't sleep well at night, it just because of thinking of teaching for the 1st time in front of Philippines students. That the students are different from Indonesian, but so far, they are easy to be arranged. I went back to the school with Irma and Sukis at 2.30 p.m. Because they would have their class at 3 p.m. So, I just waited for the time in the

Tiring Day

I did my preparation of teaching again in the morning. I made a power point presentation on the literature skill. Of course, I made the lesson plan before, so I could arrange well the activities. I was in my high stressed because first, I could not understand well about the poem which I am going to teach. Second, the lesson plan is too long, like a teaching script. I was unusual to made it, but I tried to be familiar making it. And last, I couldn't access an unlimited internet here. So, I just tried to interest my self. In the afternoon, my buddy;'Jasmine' came to the hotel and brought our laundries, she told me that she would brought me and my friends to the market, and see prayer room in Mabni ; the name of place. She went there accompanied by ate Tintin. We began our trip at 1 p.m. First, we visited a prayer room in Mabni, when we entered to that place, we were unsure about the prayer room inside that market. You know the special smell of fish, meet, and others ap